
Office Hours

Come drop-in for one-on-one support in office hours with a member of the COMP110 team. We are open for 24 hours per week. Except for on due dates, the average wait time is less than five minutes.

Office hours is the ideal place to come for one-on-one help with:

  • Exercises
  • Conceptual Questions
  • Lessons
  • Challenge Questions

Typical office hours are listed to the right, but check Course.Care for the most up-to-date availability this week.

Note: We must stop taking tickets at the closing time and cannot stay beyond. If the queue is long enough that we do not believe we will be able to see all tickets we will turn off the ability to submit new tickets before closing time.

Office hours appointments for programming exercises are limited to 15 minutes and one specific question per appointment in order to be as fair as possible to all students enrolled. For longer, conceptual help outside of specific projects we encourage coming to office hours for conceptual help on non-deadline days.

In order to serve every student in the course as best we can, we must enforce a 1-hour wait period between appointments with the same student. During this time, we expect you to continue making substantive progress on your programming exercise. If you anticipate needing significant amounts of help on an assignment, please start as far in advance as possible so you will have multiple opportunities to ask questions as they arise. Realizing you need help more than once in a given day is an indication you would benefit from a stronger conceptual understanding of the material in question and it would be great for you to come work with us during tutoring hours!

To work with us in office hours, register for Course.Care via this link or register with enroll code 7DCB2C.

To participate in remote office hours:

  1. Begin a Zoom meeting. Please have your camera on and do not share your screen until asked to do so!
  2. Hover over your meeting’s window and click the green shield icon in the top-left corner
  3. Click “Copy Link” to copy the URL to your Zoom meeting
  4. Open Course.Care click “Check-in” for currently open office hours. Select what kind of help you are seeking and paste in your Zoom URL. Be detailed and descriptive in your request for help. If you fail to make an honest effort to describe the purpose of the meeting, TAs are instructed to cancel your request.
  5. Our teaching team will get to you as soon as we can! To participate in in-person office hours:


Come to tutoring hours for conceptual help with members of the COMP110 UTA team and small groups of your peers. You can find these locations and links on Course.Care, just like office hours. If you are feeling a little behind or like you could use some extra practice tutoring is for you! Tutoring does not have time constraints outside of the hours it is open for.

Tutoring is a great opportunity to find help with:

  • Conceptual Questions
  • Lecture Review
  • Practice


Join Piazza here Do not make public posts about programming exercises. Come work with us in office hours with these questions or mark them as posting to “instructors only”. Unless we are able to answer a question very quickly, it is likely we will redirect you to office hours in any case. Piazza is primarily available for conceptal questions about course and lecture concepts, or when tutoring is not open.

E-mail Heads Address

If you have an emergency, such as a hospitalization or severe illness, please reach out to Kris and head UTAs via: .

In general, we cannot help with programming or assignment questions via e-mail and you should come see us in office hours for questions on assignments. Over the years we have learned is too difficult, time consuming, and frustrating for you and for us to try and resolve technical issues via screenshots e-mailed back and forth. Thus, we will redirect any such emails to office hours (described above) and cannot help with technical issues over e-mail.

Feedback, Grievances and Extension Request

If you have suggestions on how to improve the course or just want to leave some positive, encouraging feedback for the TAs or Kris, please give us feedback. If you make a suggestion we’re able to act on, while we still have time to, we’re more than happy to!

If you have a grievance of any kind you would like to file, anonymously or not, please air your grievance on this form. This is the best way to have your negative experience or concern heard directly by Kris. For the sake of everyone’s mental health, please keep interactions with your TAs and your peers in the course positive and upbeat, and direct your frustrations toward Kris through this form.

Office Hours Schedule

  • Monday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 3:00PM - 5:00 PM

Tutoring Schedule

  • Tuesday through Friday: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Contributor(s): Kris Jordan, Ezri White